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PREFACE Nearely a hundred
years ago, Weber, on the basis of some superficial similarities,
came to the conclusion that Jainism was an off-shoot of Buddism. In
1884 Jacobi corrected this view and with a thorough investigation
into the historical and traditional records of the two religions,
established the fact that Jainism was an earlier and independent
religion of India. Although over eighty years have passed since
Jacobi's researches, the much-needed comparative study of Jainism
and Buddhism has not been undertaken seriously. There have been
passing references to their contemporaniety and doctrinal
dissimilarities as well as the role they played together as a
revolutionary opposition to Vedic Brahmana. The reason for the long
delay in attempting a deeper study can easily be understood. The
Buddhist literary and Philosophical works are in Pali and Sanskrit
while the Jaina records are in Prakrit and Sanskrit. Neither in
India nor in Ceylon do we find many scholars who had the opportunity
of acquiring competence in all the three languages, Apart from the
linguistic equipment, there is the more difficult problem of
understanding fully the religious, philosophical, ethical, and
epistemological naunces of both religions only; but for comparative
studies, a thorough grasp of botha is sine qua non. My early studies
gave me an opportunity to acquire an adequate knowledge of Sanskrit,
Pali, Prakrit, Philosophy and Ancient Indian History and culture and
Archaeology. While studying for my M. A. in Pali I went through many
Buddhistic texts. But these, in themselves, could not have given me
the requisite qualification to handle a subject like Jainism in
Buddhist literature. When I was awarded
the Commonwealth Scholarship for study in Ceylon and admitted to
Vidyodaya University of Ceylon, I felt that I could undertake a
comparative study between Jainism and Buddhism more successfully. I
was provided with the most suitable environment and facilities for
this work. As a Jain I was conversant with my own religion and
vidyodaya, being a revered seat of Buddhist learning, the venerable
scholar-monks who guided me in my researches knew all about
Buddhism. This, indeed, is a very rare opportunity for one who wants
to study Buddhism. That is why I did not mind giving up half-way the
work, I was doing at Benares Hindu University as a University Grant
commission Scholar, on the Saddhamapundarika. This thesis
represents only the beginning of a series of comparative studies
which should be undertaken in the field of Buddhism and Jainism. My
attempt is to trace the references to Jainism in Buddhist literature
and to evaluate the information contained therein. It has been my
intention to find out the degree of accuracy and completeness with
which the Buddhist literature has recorded various dogmas and
teachings of Jainism. The method addopted
by me has been to examine the data in the Tipitaka, the Pali
Non-Canonical literature and Sanskril philosophical works in that
order. I have utlized the original texts in Pali and Sanskrit as far
as possible. Where similarities or original Jaina versions of any
doctrinal point were observed, the Jaina works in Ardhamagadhi and
Sauraseni Prakrits and Sanskrit were used. One observation has
to be made at this stage on the scope of the research I had
undertaken. contrary to the general belief, the data on Jainism
available in Buddhist Literature are very meagre. Though
contemporaneous, the Buddhist records have only made scanty
references to both Jainism and its Tirthankara or Tirthankaras.
These references are distributed all ever the voluminous literature
and the search for them has been a very arduous task whose magnitude
and difficulty may not be very clear to an ordinary reader of these
chapters. My indebtedness to previous authors and translations of the Pali, Prakrit, and Sanskrit literature has been duly acknowledged in the references and the bibliography. |