-By Manubhai Doshi
Chapter 13: NAVA TATTVA : The Liberation
Mukti or liberation is the last of the 9 fundamentals. It is also known as
Moksha, salvation or emancipation. Followers of almost all religions usually
have aspiration for gaining liberation but they hardly have clear concept of
that term. They have been told that liberation is the abode of happiness. Many
of them therefore imagine
that in the liberation stage they would forever get all types of material
comforts in abundance. Many of them think that by following religion, they would
please the Almighty who would graciously permit them to abide in heaven, where
they would get whatever they desire. But what would happen if they somehow
happen to displease Him? The Almighty would then send them to hell. Isn't that?
Therefore, pleasing the Almighty does not serve the purpose of gaining the
happiness, because after a spell of so called happiness they have to
face misery and pain once again. Thus their longed for happiness turns out to be
a fiction.
This brings us face to face with the concept of God. Can there be a God who
would be pleased by worship and would therefore bestow wealth and happiness on
worshippers and who would harm the nonworshippers?
Such an entity can be a despotic ruler or a self centered man of means or any
one else, but not God. Being self centered or getting pleased with praise is not
a Godly virtue. Again, is it possible for God or Almighty to create universe or
anything else out of nothing and destroy it, if He gets disgusted with it? The
dispassionate reply will be :No. Moreover, why should He create? If the reply is
:Out of free will, the question arises, :Why should He will it?. Even if we
admit His will and capacity to create, the question arises, :Why he creates
anyth ing that is bad, ugly, wicked, miserable, painful etc.? There are number
of such questions that would tend any intelligent person to think that there is
something wrong with the prevalent concept about Creator. Does it not look
like a myth? Can there not be a scientific, sensible concept?
At least 2500 years back, Jainism exploded this myth. It boldly refused to
believe in a Creator. Without the aid of present day science, it proclaimed that
nothing can be produced out of nothing and the original substances or matter, as
science would call it, is indestructible. Every such substance exists of its
own, with its own
properties and would continue to exist in one form or another. Whatever products
that we come across, are merely transformations, not creations. They are
produced out of something, that existed before. As we have seen in chapter 7,
Jainism believes in six original substances of which soul is the only conscious
Jainism is therefore concerned with its well being and happiness. After
carefully studying living organism, it came to the conclusion that all living
beings are embodied souls. Every soul is an independent entity and has been
undergoing embodiment after embodiment as a result of bondage of Karma.
For its liberation therefore Jainism does not look for whim or favor of an
Almighty. Its concept of liberation is totally different and is based on sound
scientific principles. It lays down that all material situations are
compositions and no composition can last forever. Our bodies too are
compositions and are bound to decompose sooner or later. :Material happiness is
therefore a contradiction in terms, because it is not real happiness that does
not last forever. True happiness cannot be obtained from any external situation.
happiness lies within the soul. Whatever phantom of happiness we experience in
life is due to the existence of soul within the body.No dead body has ever
experienced happiness or any other feeling. It is not the property of physical
body to experience anything. Happiness is the inherent property of soul. This
inherent happiness
does not manifest on account of physical and mental limitations resulting from
the bondage of Karma. Everlasting happiness can manifest, when soul sha kes off
all its bondage.
For this purpose we studied the nature of soul, the bondage of Karmas that
obscure and obstruct the manifestation of its properties and how to shake off
the bondage. We saw that soul is a substance on its
own. Not being a composition, it is not subject to decomposition. Therefore it
is eternal and lasts forever. It acquires bondage on account of Asrava of Karmas
that can be eradicated by Samvar and Nirjara. This eradication process has two
stages, semifinal and final. Semifinal stage is attained when delu sion is
overcome and all Ghatiya or defiling Karmas are destroyed. This is the state of
omniscience or Kewaljnan. Such omniscient entity is known as Arihant. After
attaining Kewaljnan that entity may continue to live, if He has still to undergo
Ayu, Naam, Gotra and Vedaniya Karmas. These four are Aghatiya Karmas that
terminate with the termination of the life span. For instance, Lord Mahavir
lived for 30 years after attaining Kevaljnan.
With the termination of Aghatiya Karmas, soul attains ultimate liberation. This
is the final state which is known as the state of Siddha. Since the bondage
stands finally erased, soul is forever freed of embodiment and all other
limitations. It is now pur e consciousness whose nature of infinite
enlightenment and infinite happiness manifests by itself, because there are no
longer any factors that obstruct or inhibit its full manifestation. Even a
slight reflection of our routine experience would indicate t hat desire is the
root cause of all miseries, problems and unhappiness. In the unembodied state,
there is no physical body and hence no physical requirements. Similarly there is
no apparatus like mind that would desire anything. That desireless state is the
state of liberation.
Every soul has sooner or later to undergo this process of erasing the bondage of
Karmas. Till then there is no end to the cycle of birth and rebirth. Arihantas
and Siddhas have set the models for our purpose. They are therefore worshipped
by aspirants. In common parlance, they are Jain Gods. They do not bestow
liberation or any other favor on worshippers. Liberation is to be gained by
one's own efforts. Listening to the teachings of Arihantas, while they are
alive, would provide directions for attaining liberation. Devotion to them and
to Siddhas simply provides incentive to the aspirants to strive for attainment
of ultimate happiness. They therefore serve as ideals for devotees.
Questions may arise: :What would be the form and shape of the liberated soul?
:Where would it stay, move, rest or sleep? "what would it be doing? Answers
are simple. Not being a physical entity, it has no form; it does not move and
does not need rest or sleep. Being intangible, its shape is invisible; but the
seers have stated
that its size would be equal to 2/3rd the size of the last embodiment. Bondage
of Karma was holding it. Now being freed of all bondage it rises up in the space
and stops at the top of Lokakash.That part of the space is known in Jain
terminology as Siddhashila, the abode of liberated souls. Beyond that it is
Alokakash where
there is no Dharmastikaya. So there is no movement beyond that point. Liberated
souls continually stay engr ossed in their nature of infinite awareness,
infinite enlightenment, infinite energy and infinite bliss. That state is
irreversible and as such, it stays for ever.
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