By Manubhai Doshi
Chapter7: Shaddravya, The Six Substances
Everything in the universe is either animate or inanimate. Animation denotes
Chaitanya or consciousness while inanimate is Jada or lifeless. These two
concepts are described differently by different schools of thought. Vedanta
calls them Ishwar and Maya; Sankhyas call them Purush and Prakriti; we call them
Jiva and Ajiva. We
however consider Ajiva as made up of five different substances. They are Pudgala
or matter; Dharma, which is an ethereal substance that is instrumental in making
movement; Adharma, an other ethereal substance
that is instrumental in maintaining stability; Akash or space and Kaal or time.
It should be noted that the terms Dharma and Adharma in this context do not
denote religion or absence of religion. Here, they are to be taken simply as two
natural substances that pervade the universe. In order to avoid confusion and
for the reason that
would be clear later, we will use the terms Dharmastikaya and Adharmastikaya
instead of Dharma and Adharma.
Concepts of consciousness, lifeless matter, space and time are acceptable to
other schools as well. Those of Dharmastikaya and Adharmastikaya however are
exclusively Jain concepts. It is generally accepted that soul and matter are
endowed with mobility. They are not stationary. Motion is one of their
characteristics. As
such they make movements on their own. Every action however has some
instrumental cause. There has therefore to be some medium that could be
instrumental in their making movements. We call that medium as
Dharmastikaya. Similarly there has to be some medium that could be instrumental
in maintaining stability. We call that medium as Adharamastikaya.
Most of the people can easily accept the necessity of a medium for making
movement. Justification for a medium to help stability may not be so obvious. It
is however not very hard to understand it. Since Dharmastikaya pervades the
entire universe, soul and matter, being capable of making movements, would for
ever continue to move in absence of another medium that would be instrumental in
their staying
stable as well. In Jain terminology that medium is known as Adharmastikaya.
So we believe in six basic substances. This is known as Shaddrayas. Shat (which
is changed to Shad) means six and Dravya means substance or basic element. There
are infinite number of Jivas(souls). They are categorized as worldly souls and
liberated souls. Worldly souls are embodied, while liberated ones are unembodied.
Each soul is a separate entity. They never combine with each other or with any
other matter, even though they may be found habiting the same abode.
Everything having some semblance of life is an embodied soul. Touch, taste,
smell, sight and sound are the five senses. Number of senses that a being may
possess is variable. Depending upon their sense faculties, living beings are
categorized as Akendriya or one sensed organism that possesses only the sense of
touch; Dweendriya or two sensed organism that possesses the senses of touch and
taste; Treendriya or three sensed organism that possesses the senses of touch,
taste and smell; Chaturendriya or four sensed organism that
possesses senses of touch, taste, smell and sight and Panchendriya which means
five sensed organism that possesses all the five senses. Most of the seemingly
lifeless objects and the plant life constitute Akendriyas (one sense). Earth
worms, leaches etc. are Dweendriya (2 sense). Ants, bugs etc. are Treendriyas (3
senses). Flies, bees etc. are Chaturendriyas (4 senses). Most of the animals,
human beings and heavenly as well as infernal beings are Panchendriyas (5
senses). We shall give more details about Jiva in the next chapter.
Pudgals are infinite particles of matter pervading the universe. These particles
called Paramanus are too minute to be visible. Our scriptures have described
them as being more microscopic than atoms. They have however the capacity to
combine with each other. When they so combine, they are called Skandhas or
molecules. Depending upon their combination, these Skandhas can be visible and
can also be experienced by other senses. Color, smell, taste and touch are the
principal properties of Pudgal and are known as its Gunas. Soulless
bodies and everything in the environment that is lifeless, constitute Pudgal.
Pudgals do undergo change. Their changing states are known as their Paryayas.
Paramanus and their Skandhas have capacity to give scope to other Paraman us and
Skandhas. As such, any number of them can simultaneously occupy the same space.
Infinitesimal minute space occupied by a single Paramanu is called a Pradesh.
There is one indivisible Dharmastikaya pervading the Lokakash part of the
universe and is instrumental to Jiva and Pudgal in making movements. Similarly
there is Adharmastikaya that is instrumental in maintaining stability. They have
the capacity to give space to other substances.
There is one all pervading. indivisible, universal space or Akash. Its property
is to accommodate or give space. The above mentioned four substances however
habitate only a part of Akash. That part is known as Lokakash. Other part is
simply space not havi ng anything within it and is called Alokakash.
It would be clear from the above definition of Pradesh that Jivas, Skandhas of
Pudgals, Dharmastikaya, Adharmastikaya and Akash occupy more than one Pradesh.
In fact, Pradesh is so minute that each of
the souls and Skandhas are said to be occupying countl ess number of Pradeshas.
Anything occupying more than one Pradesh is termed as Astikaya. Therefore these
five substances together are known as Panchastikaya comprising Jivastikaya,
Pudgalastikaya, Dharmastikaya, Adharmastikaya and Akashastikaya.
The last substance is Kaal, the Time. It may not seem appropriate to treat Kaal
as a separate substance. Jain scholars have different views about Kaal.
Digambaras generally treat it as an independent substance; Shwetambaras
generally treat it as an instrumental substance useful for comprehending
changing states of the other five substances. Usually we measure time in terms
of hours, minutes, seconds etc. Our scriptures have however conceived of an
infinitesimal part of time which is called Samaya that is infinitely shorter
than a second. People who accept time as an independent substance, believe that
Samayas are strewn all over the Lokakash.
Every Samaya is supposed to occupy one Pradesh. As such, even if time is
admitted as an independent substance, it is not an Astikaya. There is therefore
no term as Kaalastikaya.
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